People considering egg donation or fertility preservation want more information, but don't know where to find it.
We're Working to Change That!

We are working on building links to resources for egg donors, people who undergo fertility preservation, and for donor-connected families. Below you will find links to egg donor groups, relevant research articles, and other links related.
We Are Egg Donors
Founded by three egg donors, WAED provides an honest, authentic platform for egg donors around the world to connect.
The Donor Sibling Registry
The DSR has helped to connect more than 12760 half-siblings (and/or donors) with each other. DSR is a place where egg donors can register if they are open to being contacted by the children conceived from their eggs in the future, or if they want to update medical information so that donor-conceived children can find it.
Center for Humane Biotechnology
Egg Donation Project
Parents Via Egg Donation
A resource for people considering using an egg donor to create their
Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy
A non-profit group created for US agencies to have a voice in defining ethical standards for egg donation and surrogacy.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Information on Egg Donation
Research Publications
2014 Repetitive Oocyte Donation: A Committee Opinion. Fertility and Sterility, 102(4):964-966.
Beeson, Diane and Abby Lippman
2006 Egg harvesting for stem cell research: medical risks and ethical problems. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2006;13:573–579.
Klitzman, Robert and Mark Sauer
2009 Payment of Egg Donors for Stem Cell Research in the USA.
Tober, Diane
2007 Kidneys and Controversies in the Islamic Republic of Iran: The Case of Organ Sale. In Islam, Health and the Body: Science and Religion in the Modern Muslim World. Special edition, Body and Society, 13(3):151-170.
2001 Semen as Gift, Semen as Goods: Reproductive Workers and the Market in Altruism. In Body and Society, 7(2-3): 137-160.
van Leeuwen, FE, et al
2011 Risk of Borderline and Invasive Ovarian Tumors After Ovarian Stimulation for In Vitro Fertilization in a Large Dutch Cohort. In Human Reproduction.
In the News : Radio, web, and print sources on egg donation, "social egg freezing," and related themes.
What to Think About When Considering Donating Your Eggs. March 2017.
By Diane Tober, PhD
Undark Magazine
The Politics (and Price) of Women's Eggs. July 2016.
By Diane Tober, PhD
An Anthropologist Interviewing Egg Donors: Here's Why it Matters.
Diane Tober Interview with Raquel Cool, Co-Founder of We Are Egg Donors. January, 2016.
Die Welt
Die schmerzhafte Realität des "Social Freezing".
An interview with Elisalex Henckel. November 17, 2014
RH Reality Check
Eggs for Cash: Pitting Choice Against Risk,
Diane Tober and Francine Coeytaux. September 4, 2013.
California Bill Posed to Lift Restrictions on Egg Donation. June 18, 2013
By Charlotte Schubert
The Atlantic
There’s More to Life Than Freezing Your Eggs, May 14, 2013.
By Jacoba Urist.
KQED Forum Motherhood Deferred: Freezing Your Eggs, by Judy Campbell. May 2013
Mutiny Radio Women’s Magazine with Val Ibarra. Human Eggs for Research Despite RISKS to Women's Health. June 28, 2013.
Women’s Magazine. Harvesting Human Eggs & International Surrogacy: Risks to Health & Human Rights. August 5, 2013.
Should Women Make a Profit on Donating their Eggs for Research? By Larry Mantle.
WSB TV 2, Atlanta
Do Ads for Egg Donors Go Too Far?
Interview with Diane Tober, PhD, November 2, 2016
Circle of Insight with Dr. Carlos Vazquez
A Discussion on Egg Donation
Interview with Diane Tober, PhD, April 2015
British Television Channel 4
“Science or Ethics?: Special Report on Science and Technology in the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Television Interview. March 2006