What happens if I take part in this study?

Once you follow the link to the online survey you will see some initial screening question to make sure you are routed to the appropriate survey. If you have both donated eggs and frozen eggs for your own use you may receive more than one survey in your survey queue.
You will then read and electronically sign the consent form acknowledging that you agree to participate in the study.
Once you are directed to the survey, PLEASE complete it to the end. This is essential to getting a better understanding of the range of people's experiences and decisions.
Some of the questions require an answer before you can move to the next set of questions.
The survey is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete but may take longer if you have undergone multiple oocyte retrieval cycles.
At the end of the survey you have the option to participate in a voluntary, follow-up interview with the lead investigator or one of her assistants.
The first 30 people to complete both the survey AND interview will receive a $30 Amazon gift e-card--while supplies last.
How will my privacy be protected?
Any identifying information will be kept on a secure UCSF server intended for research purposes. Your survey will be assigned a numerical code in order to protect your identity.
The survey forms ask for your name and contact information in order to permit follow-up and to prevent duplicate surveys. This information will be kept confidential on a private and secure server.
Identifying information will not be used in subsequent data analysis.
If, after taking the survey, you choose to participate in an interview, interview materials will be assigned a numerical code, transcribed, and will not include information that identifies you.
Only a small number of researchers will have direct access to completed surveys and interview data.
Publications and presentations resulting from this study will not include any information that might identify you.
For people who participate in the interview portion of the study, pseudonyms will be used in any reports, books, or articles resulting from the research.

Got Questions?
You can talk with the study researcher about any questions, concerns, or complaints you have about this study. Contact Dr. Diane Tober at (510) 850-4250 or by email at: eggdonorresearch@ucsf.edu.
If you wish to ask questions about the study or your rights as a research participant to someone other than the researchers or if you wish to voice any problems or concerns you may have about the study, please call the Office of the Committee on Human Research at 415-476-1814.
If you have read the above information and choose to participate, please continue to the survey.